Always participate with your spare money. Spare money is the money that you have handy now but you don't need for any immediate purposes. We live in the world of risk so risk taking is part of our day to day activities. So no risk no reward. Why members are encouraged to participate we there spare money is because of the risk involved. What's MMM greatest risk? MMM greatest risk is that there might be no one to pay you when you want to get help. How can this risk happen? It occurs the day members stop providing help both new and old. MMM Nigeria kick-started in November 2015, while the global MMM started since 2011 in Russia now spread across many countries. MMM has been paying Nigerian citizenry since Nov 2015 and still paying helping people augment their income. The continuity of MMM Nigeria is by the actions and inactions of its members. Once we do our part through regular PH-GH-PH-GH-PH, MMM Nigeria will always stand and will continue helping her members. Whe...
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