Whenever I write that the average Nigerian man wants to settle with a woman that they can control, I get accused of generalization. But that is a fact that stares us in the face. A truth many of us would rather no one voices.
I have lived almost 30 years on earth, and I have had reasons to interact with men, a vast majority of whom are Nigerians. I understand their thought processes, and I understand the damage that has been done to them during the processes of their upbringing.
I woke up this morning to another shocker. Well, not so shocked. A man with the name Chikezie Ifechukwu advocating and urging men into what seemed to me like ped. Asking them to go for underaged women, all to what end? They are naive and easier to control.
I still can't get my head around the compulsive urge that makes any sane person crave to control another human being. I simply do not get it. The past generations raised generations with serious malfunction. A generation where many men think their essences in life lie on their ability to conquer and control a woman.
Let me tell you something you probably already know.... at least 1 in 2 Nigerian men think exactly like Ifee, albeit covertly. They just will not say it. But when time comes for them to get married, they definitely go looking for those women that they can easily control. Ifechukwu is NOT a lone wolf.
Our generation has to do better than the past generations. We have got a lot of work to do in the sense that we must repair the damage done by the past generations, and also pass on a saner legacy to the future generations.
Women are as human as men. They are NOT to be conquered and controlled. They are EQUAL as humans to men. How is that so difficult to digest? And to this effect, I reiterate my pledge....
I will not raise my sons to feel so entitled to the loyalty of anyone. I will not raise sons whose self-esteems will depend on how much they can control a woman. I will not raise daughters who will allow themselves to be controlled by anyone.
I will not raise daughters who will see themselves as anyway inferior to men. I will make sure that before the age of 16, my daughters will be able to speak out and challenge shit wherever and whenever they encounter them. I will raise responsible children with good self-esteem and self worth. All Rights Reserved, © Classyview
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