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Stop Making People Slaves We Are All Going To Die

So you helped someone in life with one thing or the other and somehow you now demand ETERNAL gratitude from them? Because you helped someone with school fees, they have to call you twice a week with a vote of thanks.

They also have to tell you every single thing about their academic lives. Like when a lecturer's wife gives birth, or when the VC fi!ghts with his wife? You help someone with part of the capital to start up his business and now you are like a shareholder.

You stroll in and supervise and select who should be employed or not. You buy things and expect not to pay. Helper. Weh done. You invite your girl friend to a birthday where she finds a soul m@ate.

Now, because she won't tell you his favorite drink and details of their relationship, you feel betrayed. Really? Oya listen. Help people and move on.Most people are ungrateful. They won't show a smidgen of gratitude. Yes. But what of the others who have really shown you how happy they are with your help?

Stop making them uncomfortable. Stop making them prisoners with your side talks and supreme glances. Help people and allow them feel helped not suffocated. We are all going to die one day. May be by accident. Some by headache.

Some by other stronger sicknesses with long unpronounceable names. Some during childbirth. Some very painlessly with a nice SIA song in the background. But, we are all going to die. The problem is not death. The problem is our total lack of preparation and acceptance of it.

Especially as Christians. The average clergy spends half of his sermon on the fact that death is not our portion, the other half on "we shall live and not die". Then the extra time on how Jesus died that we may live. Okay.

So wait. Jesus died? Jesus died at 33. So what is wrong in telling us how to number our days? What is wrong with teaching us how to make whatever little time we have here count? So that like Christ we can rise again but as legends in the hearts of men. As personalities in history textbooks. As icons.

The more you try to deny death, the more you magnify it and fear it. But, if you accept the reality and inevitably of death, you learn to live like today's your last. You don't have all the time in the world, life is tooo short. Stop banking on being alive tomorrow and do things now.

PS: I have written my epitaph. Whenever I die, I want people to say "She put a smile in everyone's heart". And I'm working towards making it true daily. #Mimi Bash


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