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Any Woman Who Has A Child Is Just a Mother

Many people momentarily make me sad but there is this kind that takes the crown. Sometimes we say share or post things with either good intentions or without knowing how ugly it is to others. I do that sometimes and If my intentions were right, I believe in my opinion and that's my stand... I'll stand by it but I'll present facts, examples even citations if need be and see if we can meet halfway.

I can only get na@sty if you decide to atta*ck me as a person and affront me like one small tried to do in unfitting big girl p@nties on Sunday. Anyway, if I say or do something that annoys a multitude of people (which I've never done. Mostly it's misogynistic, narrow-minded, religious fanatics and shames who come after me and I can handle you on any day, trust me)...
Let's go on, shall we? If I annoy multitudes, especially in a shaming way...the same thing you and I (if you do that) should do is

(a)    Tuck our balls out of vicinity and apologize,
(b)   (b) Be quiet till the storm calms and apologize using dubious reasons like Bikozulu did (remember?) They will still be mad but they'll have ranted enough to ignore you.....or
(c)   Go the cowardly but safe way, and delete it.

People can't agree with our beliefs all the tim@e but let's face it, what we call opinions are shitty sometimes. I always defend my beliefs when challenged but when it becomes an unmasking thing because it degrades a million humans, name-calling natural life choices, occurrences and most of all seeks to shame a particular group with an aim to make others despise, abhor, ins**ult and demean what others have gone through.... Yet, you still stand there chest thumping and making silly attempts at clap backs, it is infantile, to say the least.
These are the humans who piss me. You may have many people who give you audience because you amuse them, inform but that doesn't translate to worship. That doesn't make you Mr. Google president of all that's best to be or do.
Learn, unlearn, and relearn. It may feel humiliating to apologize but there is a no bigger man than one who acknowledges that they may be off sometimes. Knowing humans and social media, we will even turn around and commend you for realizing your error. Or we will do what we do best -Move on to other people who need to receive sense.
We are all judgmental, don't kid yourself. However, do you have an informed opinion about what you are about to state with convictions? Sometimes when I differ intensely and even unfriendly some of you is because you offer contrary opinions with no facts and evidence to support your disagreement with me so you get off key and attack other baseless things.
I digress.
Shaming mothers aren't cool.( I refuse to refer to a woman as a single mother from today by the way because I have learned something gold today on Njeri's wall from what one woman said)ANY WOMAN WHO HAS A CHILD IS JUST A MOTHER!!!! PERIOD!


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