My dear men, why are you becoming less and less virtuous? Why do you opt for divorce at every little offence? So many of these divorced men come up with excuses such as; my wife was cheating on me, she was v!iolent, she was this that and bla bla bla... so what?
If you divorce her now, do you know the type of woman you would meet next? Remember a bird at hand is worth a million out there. Women are like babies, just pick anyone and manage her. Listen let me tell you infidels, Malachi 2:16 'I hate divorce' thus said the Lord of host.
Even if your wife beats you up and cheats on you like you don't have a p€n!is, all you need do is go on your kneels and pray, cry onto the Lord in prayers, just keep fasting and also watch war room. Some of you are even lucky these women do not bring these men home, that's to show you she RESPECTS you.
But, why should you complain about her che€ating if she still does her wifely duties? It is damn boring to keep eating egusi soup. We like to try out Nsala, okro, Ofe eriro (or whatever they call it) etc. How do you expect us to eat just one kind of soup the rest of our lives?
If she beats you to stupor and lands you in the hospital, don't worry, just go and report her to your Pastor and someone she listens to, her parents and the elders of her village. Act virtuous when you get back home, make her favourite dish, give her some mind blowing $×, be nice to her, then go on your kneels and ask her what exactly you are doing wrong.
I am certain you must be doing something wrong, you check yourself and see. Maybe you are not being submissive enough and loving her as Christ loved the Church. Did you get married with a 6-pack belly and now have a protruding pot belly?
Why not take a cue from the likes of Pie, Neaff and even Desmond Elliot after 4 children. The problem is that some of you men get married, become fathers and forget yourself, we women love $×y. Go to gym man! How can people like Fredrick be on this planet and you expect your wife to be with a pot bellied man the rest of her life?
Look at RMD and Emeka Ike in their 50s... these men turned 50s to s£*xy. What has your wife done to deserve such pot-bellied cruelty? If she beats you, maybe you run your mouth like an unregulated high pressured tap, why can't you keep shut when she is talking? You know we women have ego and we don't like men talking over us. It is your fault because you were running your mouth.
I am worried because of the rate of divorce in our societies, men need to read their Bibles and act like Jesus Christ. Ephesians 5:25, husbands love your wives as Christ loved the Church AND GAVE HIMSELF UP FOR THE CHURCH. Did you read that? Give yourself up for your wives, it's all about her.
Christ got prosecuted by the Church but still gave himself up for the Church. Thus no matter what your wife does, you need to give yourself up for her happiness. I will stop my sermon here for today. May the peace of the Lord be with you all.
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