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Vice President Has Ordered The Immediate Payment of All Areas Owed to Npower

1. The Vice-President has ordered the immediate payment of all areas owed to Npower beneficiaries nationwide. He states, "the Npower employment scheme is the heartbeat of this administration positioned and committed in reducing unemployment of graduate in the country."

2. Npower administrators are trying to sort out issues of unpaid beneficiaries nationwide. The effort has been concluded in state such as Ekiti, Osun, Oyo and Edo, but commenced today in Lagos.

3. Npower uploading of ID card and passport was a routine test run on the portal; the site will official be opened for the uploading of this two important items.

4. Redemployment of beneficiaries will commenced after posting and it will be based on health and marital grounds.

5. Npower sites will also be re-opened very soon for beneficiaries to select their device. Distribution of device will however commenced nation-wide by next week.

I discovered just now that someone is calling Npower beneficIaries for their BVN AND ACCOUNT NUMBER. if anyone called and requested for your BVN and BANK ACCOUNT, that he or she is calling from Npower, kindly ignore because they are criminals.

Dont give your bvn or account number to anyone. Please inform your friends about this also. #Source: Special Assistant to one of the South-South Gov.


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