I quiver a little whenever I see two short people dating, married or in any other type of relationship that has the possibility of procreation. Yesterday at work, this couple came into my work place to make an order, and I couldn't help noticing their heights.
To make matters worse, she was heavily pr£*gna*nt, and I couldn't help thinking "poor child didn’t ask to be born so *vertically challenged*". Nothing against short guys but the ONLY physical attribute I consider in a potential boyfriend/husband is height, because considering I'm quite "down-to-earth", I need to help my unborn children’s ministry in life.
I think it's a crime against humanity for two short people to procreate. Some people argue that height has more to do with childhood diet than hereditary, but I find it very difficult to believe that. No matter how much beans and egg a child eats, if the first and second generations of parents are all short, your chances of growing about average in height will be slim.
Just in case you think I've just said nonsense and you want to argue with me, *"this is just my opinion".... I guess I'm now covered from being challenged about whatever shit I've written here and henceforth. And God knows this last paragraph isn't a sub. Something, my friend will told me I normally send her a meaningless text.
She said, I wish to state that marriage & dating or relationship should be based on compatibility & love. Of what use is it if two giants are married but there is no mutual love & respect between them? What will height or tallness mean here? Next, there is no empirical proof that tall people are more intelligent than short people.
I know very short people that excelled in their chosen fields while tall people are still loafing. I think if given the same opportunities, tall kids & short kids will achieve there potentials.
Finally, we were never made to all be giants & tall people. There are pudgy ladies, huge & muscular men, petite & svelte girls, short & even pigmies men & women. That's how things are. Feeling bad or disadvantaged because of your short height is for me not it.
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