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I Feel So Proud To Be Woman

Nigerians have the knack of making one regret even the good things they do. Since I helped raise tuition fees for a law school student, my inbox has been flooded with people (mostly non-friends) who also want me to help them solicit for funds for various purposes.

In fact, one lady told me categorically that she was told that I'm the person to seek when trying to raise funds.
I don't know when I ever added "soliciting for funds" to my job description here. The cases I have been involved in were few and far between and it was because I really feel horrible when I can't help people.

I DO NOT enjoy begging. I believe that I have never brought my personal financial problems here for anyone to help me out because I'm a very proud woman. Secondly, I'm trying my best to stay out of any possible scandal. Most people here do not know that I own a charity organization because the one and only time I came on Twitter to solicit for funds for  Jlikeconcept some years ago, no one obliged me.

Since then, I have mostly been doing my donations on my own from the little that I have. My friends and I have been to orphanages, I have sent money and items to IDP Camps, rural communities and so on without asking for help from anyone here and without even talking about it.

But then transparency is key when running charity outfits so I get why other people publicize the things they do. I also understand that most people who donate to charitable organizations or causes do not do so because they have more than they can spend.

They are mostly people who have little themselves but cannot go to bed knowing that someone out there has not paid their school fees, have no place to lay their heads or cannot feed. This is why I try to not inconvenience these good people any further.

Finally most times we donate in good faith believing that such funds will be put to good use. If you lie to people to amass funds or divert such funds for other purposes, you're a really horrible person. I remember the times we visited orphanages and we were told that once our backs were turned, the minders sold off the items we had donated or shipped them off to their individual homes.

This, however, does not stop me from giving, because a lot of people still receive the help that they need inspite of these few ugly incidents. Once again, I beg of you, stop flooding my Wechat inbox. I'm tired and I find it hard to say no to people who need help. Thank you.


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