The Igbos are a highly superstitious people. It is believed that just as men are circum**cised, women should be ci!rcumc*ised too for spiritual reasons. As primitive as this sounds, it is still practised in various Igbo communities today albeit secretly. Female c!ircumcisi0n is seen as a rite of passage into womanhood. Some people do it days after the girl child is born while others wait for her to grow into her teens before the horrible deed is done. The awareness and sensitization on Female Gen!ital Mutilati0n decreased the practice but did not put a stop to it. Instead, the women who do this now operate in secrecy. The Beliefs/Practices That Promoted Female Ci!rcumcisi0n: 1. It is believed that women who are not cir*cumci!sed make love to spirits in their sleep and by so doing give birth to Ogbanjes. Because of this, women made sure they c!rcumc!ised their daughters because failure to do so would mean giving birth to Ogbanjes fathered by their spiritual husbands. 2. After ...
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