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N-Power Job Application Portal Reopens May 29,2017 Apply

Federal Government will reopen its youth empowerment job application portal at on May 29, 2017, Minister of Labour and Employment Dr. Chris Ngige said on Thursday. He made the declaration at press conference on the issue of minimum wage for Nigeria Labour Congress.

Currently, the N-Power scheme, one of the four cardinal programmes of Social Investment Programme, SIP, is engaging 200,000 Nigerian youths in the areas of N-Agro, N-Health, and N-Teach. N-Power is said to have gulped billions of naira since it started making payment December 2016.

N-power's first phase of applications commenced last year, when 200,000 applicants were shortlisted. The government called the first set of shortlisted beneficiaries "first batch" saying more 300,000 names would be released. The online assessment test conducted was characterised by several technical issues of login and submission problems, though.

But with the latest news by the FG, it is obviously clear that no second batch list should be expected by those who wrote the first test, but were not shorlisted. What does it mean for those who applied in 2016 but were not shortlisted?

With the new announcement by the Labour Minister Ngige, it means records of those who didint make the first batch were no longer valid on the Npower application portal. It means they are free to reapply again. It means they'll have to start all over again. They should get their papers ready this time and avoid the mistakes they made during the first application process.

Can married women apply?

Definitely!  The programme doesnt segregate irrespective of your marital status. How to avoid mistakes during application process

1. If you've changed your name as a result of marriage, please make sure to it reflects on the certificates you'll be using for application.

2. If you've not done change of name, then use the name as it appears in your papers and in your bank account.

3. Apply by yourself, don't give out your name to cyber cafe person to apply on your behalf.

Cafe attendants are fond of making mistakes when they aren't supervised. If cafe attendant must do it for you, be there to correct whatever mistakes he'll be making.

4. Check and cross check why applying before you make submission.

5. One of the most important things is to ensure that your account number is active, and it's linked to your active account number.

6. If you're above 35years you won't be considered.

7. In order to avoid the issue of unmatched name, unmatched bvn, etc make sure you fill the on-line application form as your names appear in your certificates and bank account number.

You could face issue of unmatched name if all your papers, and ID bear Azeez Adekola, but you go ahead to fill Abdulazeez Adekola while filling Npower application form.
If your name is Kola, let it be if that's how it appears in your documents, dont go fill Adekolapo during application.

We have found out that more than 70% of the current beneficiaries who are faced with one issue or other are those who use names that are slightly different in spelling, yet the same meaning and interpretation. Avoid it.


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