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Be Considerate To The Elderly and Vulnerable People Amongst Us

My grandma passed on at about the age of 90. She was strong for her age, but as expected of someone over 80, had a problem with standing for longer than a few minutes. If she found herself in a queue, I would expect the younger ones who are more able to stand to show some consideration.

It is NOT a sense of entitlement, it's just something I think is right. Something I would do for another person's grandma. I can't be on a queue, find an elderly person, a disabled person, a nursing mother or a pregnant woman standing behind and not offer them my spot or do something to make their business there easier.

Neither can I be sitting in a space of limited seats and not offer my seat to anyone who falls into this category.
No, they do not have to ask. I don't even need them to ask so I can analyze how politely they have done it, I just give it up because I'm human, and every human could do with a bit of love, compassion.... and immunity.

I do it because an unwritten law of humanity says I should do it. I do it because someday I might be in any or ALL of those situations, and I would want a bit of consideration from others.
In an ideal world (I know we don't live in an ideal world, but that should be a standard to strive to attain), vulnerable people and less abled people are supposed to be ENTITLED to special treatments.

In the UK and Canada, there are PRIORITY SEATS and spots for the less abled persons in every public transport system and public places. The elderly, disabled, pregn**ant women and nursing mothers typically fall into this category.
There are spots reserved for disabled persons and nursing mothers. There are spots reserved for the elderly.

It is unusual to seat while a heavily preg**nant woman stands. These people do NOT need to ask. If you see them coming into a public transport vehicle and there are no other seats where they can seat, you stand up. It's that simple. They do not need to ask... you only need to see them coming.

In some UK and Canadian banks, there are special staff employed to go into the queues to fish out elderly people, disabled people and pr£gnant women, so they can give them a seat and attend to them specially. Why?
Because it is the right thing to do. The humane thing to do. The common sense thing to do.

In almost every public place in the UK and Canada, there are special spots for these groups of vulnerable people. And when there is none, the public treat them specially even without them asking for it. These are societies that are not religious. They do not claim to be morally upright. But they do these things.

But here in Nigeria, with all our claims of moral uprightness, we do not think it so necessary to show such little compassion to vulnerable people. Our morality and godliness is just on lip service.

Dear Nigerians,
Please let's be more compassionate in our dealings with the vulnerable and less abled amongst us. Give up your seats for those who are less able to stand. As much as you can, give up your spot on queues for those who are less able to stand.

Someday, you or someone you love might get pr£gnant.

Someday, you or someone you know might become temporarily or permanently disabled.

Someday, you or someone you know might get old.

Someday, you or someone you know might become any form of vulnerable or less abled.

Treat these groups of people as nice as you would have yourself treated if you were in their situation. The planet earth turns slowly, and so do life conditions and situations. We are humans before anything else. And we humans can do with a bit more love from each other. Happy Saturday and happy children's day.


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