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Episode5: Female Circu mcisi0n In Igbo Communities Today

The Igbos are a highly superstitious people. It is believed that just as men are circum**cised, women should be ci!rcumc*ised too for spiritual reasons. As primitive as this sounds, it is still practised in various Igbo communities today albeit secretly. Female c!ircumcisi0n is seen as a rite of passage into womanhood.

Some people do it days after the girl child is born while others wait for her to grow into her teens before the horrible deed is done. The awareness and sensitization on Female Gen!ital Mutilati0n decreased the practice but did not put a stop to it. Instead, the women who do this now operate in secrecy.

The Beliefs/Practices That Promoted Female Ci!rcumcisi0n:

1. It is believed that women who are not cir*cumci!sed make love to spirits in their sleep and by so doing give birth to Ogbanjes. Because of this, women made sure they c!rcumc!ised their daughters because failure to do so would mean giving birth to Ogbanjes fathered by their spiritual husbands.

2. After the Ogbanje phenomenon was debunked due to western civilisation and health researches linking it to sickle cell disease, people continued to ci!rcumci*se their daughters with the belief that it stops them from being promiscuous. It is a known fact that an average circumcised women enjoys $e×*ual interc0*urse less than her uncirc**umcised counterpart.

This practice was done to restrict the woman's enjoyment of the act and to keep her for her husband. A woman was supposed to be an object of pleasure to her husband. She doesn't necessarily have to partake in the said pleasure.

3. It is also believed (though unfounded) that cir cumcised women suffer less labour pangs. Women were told that unci!rcumc!ised women suffered more excruciating labour pains. This made them opt for cir*cumci!sion as a way to ameliorate the future delivery pains.

4. Women who refused to circu *mcise their daughters were stigmatized. They were blamed for negligence. Any evil that happened to the child no matter how unrelated was blamed on the mothers failure to circ*umci!se the daughter.

5. Men insisted on marrying only ci!rcumcis€ed women. It was one of the requirements made by suitors and this heavily promoted the practice. There are stories of ladies who stood firmly against it but had to get ci!rcumc*ised some weeks before the traditional wedding as the prospective husbands refused to budge.

6. The women are told that it helps to ward off some types of diseases and that it makes the women more hardworking in the farm. How It Is Done:

There are about 4 types of Female Geni!tal Mutilatio0n practised in different parts of Africa (TYPE I to IV). The type mostly practised by CONTINUE READING HERE

In the 2014 survey, #Osun State has the highest with 77%, while #Ebonyi came a close second with 74%, #Ekiti 72%, while #Katsina had lowest 0.1%.
On the prevalence rate:  The South-East is leading with 49%,
South-West is 47.5%,
South-South 25.8%,
North-West 20.7%,
North-Central 9.9%,
North-East 2.9%.

  • So it is safe to say that the Igbos are the leading tribe when it comes to READ MORE HERE


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