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Think Before You PH MMM Nigeria

Sequel to the events of the past few days by which I mean the unusual delays in the matching of GH requests, I wish to advice that going forward we should desist from massive cancellation of PH requests to avoid a similar occurrence of this.

Our MMM Nigeria community had almost fully recovered from the December quagmire & matching of PH to GH and of GH to PH were smooth but we disrupted that momentum by massively cancelling most of the PH requests created before 29th April just to satisfy our selfish desires of having 10% of 2016 Mavro added to our GH amount.

We did this without thinking of the consequence on the system. Most of us really need to take time to study how the MMM system really works. It's about matching people that are providing help to people that want to get help. We are MMM & any action we take has either benefits or consequences on the system.

Let's desist from cancelling especially PH that is 3 days old & above. It takes the system backwards. Always think before you PH, not after. Majority of the people PHing now are old participants with 2016 Mavros to GH. Imagine if 90% of these people cancel all their PH requests at once. The consequences are left to your imagination.

The system is gradually bouncing back to its normal state again with gradual increase in matching of outstanding GH requests. Let's not destroy this beautiful MMM system with our own hands. Let's not allow the gains of today to becloud our reasoning & destroy the benefits of tomorrow.

If your GH of 2-3 days isn't matched yet don't worry, all outstanding GH will be matched soon. Cancelling it may not change anything. The system is very healthy with more PH than GH, but most PH requests are not up to a week old & thus not ripe for matching to people that want to GH.

The action of slowing down the dispatcher was taken in our best interest in order to clean the mess we created on 29-30 April. In the interest of the sustainability of the community. Some said, It's not enough for us to study how mmm works, it is also good for mmm admin to study the behaviour of Nigerians, and to always notify us with instructions, before a new innovation.

This is because we panic a lot. Even when the new development is for our own good, we still panic. They should always try to predict our reactions to any new development and come up with an upfront explanation, before releasing the news.

Please I'm advising you guys that mmm is not a business venture.. Always have at the back of your mind that.. Not just because you provided you should be expecting help by every means necessary.. Understand the rick and ideology behind it and have noting to worry about most especially when its your spare money.

Every individual has a role to play. A driver do not shout that clutch has loosen when motor is on motion and has full passengers are in the vehicle. A good driver will maneuver the vehicle safely till it gets to Mechanic. And Mechanic do not need to tell you passengers that he lose a bolt or knotting a nut or he needs to refil clutch oil. He does do his job and return the vehicle on the road.

When programs talk every now and then, we pull them back. Andrew and Guiders have done enough to dispense information to participants. We know when the plan of 2016 mavro release was designed. We know when programmers start working on it. We know when they finalize their work. Guiders feed you all with necessary information. I dont know what else you want again after this.

It is out duty not to panic. When the 2016 release was announced, we made effort to ask people not to cancel orders. We had an emergency meeting because participants were canceling their orders which is not healthy for community. The result is what bring to it knee. Orders created a day or two ago cannot be matched. It doesnt make sense.

Panicking is a threat to the system. MMM does not need to study us. We are the one that need to change our way of thinking. We think we can take advantage of things are hijack opportunities. We think everything is all about wealth and riches. We think everything is about making money.

We havent taken our time to study the ideology of MMM. Everyone is after 30% and 10% gain. This has to change. You guys have been warned that donations should be done base on spare money. A person that donates his spare money has nothing to be afraid of if issues arises. It is those who donate all their life savings that are panicking. We need change our attitude.

When issue arises, please consult your Guider, Consultant, Support and teammate. That is about five means of getting information. I dont think it is responsibility of MMM to send Mail to Post office of individual participants because they want to pass information that the last button to push is F12. When you panic, you kill the community gradually. We should all desist from such way.


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