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The Categories Of People That MMM Nigeria 2017 May Not Favour

1. Those who believe everything is a sc@am:
A lot of Nigerians are still of the notion that anyone who says he makes money online is a yahoo boy. This has made a lot of people discredit so many opportunities before even hearing what it is about. But let's analyze it. If there is a fake product, it means there is an original. Similarly, if there is a wrong way of making money, then there is a right way to go about it.

The fact that one went to a f@ke recruitment does not mean all recruitments are f@ke. If you belong to this category, what you need to do is to re-orientate your mind. Not everything is bad. You just need to locate the good ones.

2. Those who are caged by their fear:
This set of people always live in fear. But to them, it is being cautious. Because of this, they are always skeptical about every opportunity that comes their way. If someone discusses an idea with then, they will immediately ask, "what if it fails". And when they ask this question, they are not necessarily seeking for answers. If you belong to this category, you need to start asking yourself "what if it succeeds?" A person can never be immune to failure by being cautious. Instead, he fails more because he refused to trust his instincts.

3. Those who have one source of income:
The world has since departed from the idea of having a single source of income. Anyone who still thinks this way probably thinks this is still the 19th century. Needs are constantly springing up that needs to be addressed. The cost of living is also rising steadily. It is almost suicidal to depend on just one source of income. If you belong to this category, then you need to sit up and face reality. One job cannot cater for your needs and give you a sizeable amount to save. You need to diversify your income in one of the legitimate opportunities that are available. i do not mean p0nzy schemes or hy!ip.

4. Those who are still conservative in their thinking:
Change is constant. We live in a changing world. Trying to be conservative in your thinking in this age is not a really helpful idea. Those who are conservative are those who chose to approach a problem based on the philosophy that "this is how it has always been done". I'm sorry, but what if how it used to be done is no longer working? If you belong to this category, you need to train yourself to lead an innovative life. Don't be bound to traditions that do not work. It takes a new approach to solve today's problems.

5. Those who wait for the government:
Okay, I don't really know how to help this group of people. If you belong to this category and you expect the government to help you in one way or the other, you need to wake up. With the way the economy is, even the government needs help. It is important that you take charge of your life rather than wait for someone to help you. Like someone once said, "the best helping hand you can get is at the end of your own arm".

2017 can really be a good year for you if you want it so. With the availability of legitimate online opportunity like *MMM*, All it takes is a little will and the desire to find out how to succeed in this year in spite of the odds.
I leave you with the words of a wise man who said, "Indecision is the thief of opportunity."

Thinking of an amazing opportunity that rewards every step of the way......think *MMM* for a greater future! Have a great week


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