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The Situation With Moratoriums In MMM Nigeria

Before now, I have been on the forefront helping everyone with MMM related issues. Some I engaged online, some offline. Some I even took time to call or reach at my expenses. This is part of what I was trained for and I am very glad I delivered with over 90% issues resolved.

MMM is improving everyday and the Guider tasks are though getting slim but with tough. We are been given some limits. My Mentor has given us target and with that, I will from this very moment focus more on participants under my structure.

This does not mean I wont lend hand to those outside my structure. It doesn't mean I wont listen to your complains or proffer an advise when needed. It mean that I will not honor calls from any outsider or person not in my structure. And when such person sends me a PM, I might only read without any response. Therefore, if anyone have issues, he/she should take it up with their respective Guider. Or in most cases, feed yourself updates here or ask your questions here. If I am opportune, I will answer you here.

I do not want anyone to misunderstand me or take this personal. Every sheep belongs to a fold; and every fold is under the watch of a Shepherd. When issue arises and I take it up to the Technical team, I am always asked some questions which I dont have answer for. I dont have answer for the PH and GH activities or history of person that is not in my structure. I cannot give detailed explanation on why, what and how the issue arise. Therefore it is not my duty to submit a case which is outside my capacity.

Every MMM participant is under a Guider. We should all take our time to relate with whoever our Guider is. I am a Guider in this community. And I still relate with my Guider, Guider's Guider and Mentor. I ensure that my relationship with my Mentor is strong even if he is not in this country. Create a relationship with your Guider nd when you have issue, discuss it with him for guidance.

I am glad I have three trained Guiders in this group. They are directly under me and can render help when it is needed. As for me, I will be here for everyone. Anything outside this group, audience will be given only to people in my structure.

I wish I can adjust condition on ground to suite everybody. However, I have limits and control. I wish everyone will under my stance better. Together we can change the world

Please, if you are on moratorium, kindly fill this form for a quick resolution.

The form for exploring the situation with moratoriums in MMM Nigeria:


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