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When Men Worsshipped God and Distraction

It was those days when thie€ves wrote letters to owners of houses or people living in a street that they were coming to steal... One of those written to was a family in our fellowship, we belonged to a fellowship in the Catholic church then, she brought the letter to the fellowship and prayers went up...

The day/week they promised to come passed and nothing happened. They received another letter in which the robbers accused them of raising their wall so high at night in the event of their coming, this happened more than once and the thieves never thre€atened them again.

NB: these people had a low wall, we knew where they lived. It happened that the Spirit of God through prayers, raised this sister's wall so high at night that the thieves couldn't come in. They never raised their wall.

This elderly brother wasn't into lengthy prayers, he believed that all you had to do was tell God what you wanted in Jesus name, he would lay hands on the sick and depending on which language he came up with, you'd mostly hear, "be healing in Jesus name" or "ya diri gi mma n'aha Jesus"! He'd always tell us that st. Peter had no formal education, # witness.

So he and others had to conduct a deliverance prayer for some people and he had to pray for this violent person who tore his shirt and gave him a cut, with bl00d stains and his torn shirt, he continued and finished the prayer, the viol**ent man became calm and the brother decided to take care of himself but behold, his torn shirt was normal and there were no stains...

This same brother was crossing the road where a mad man was conducting traffic, he stopped on seeing the mad man, the mad man beckoned him and said, "Jesus gafere", meaning; "Jesus, you can cross".

As an adolescent, I observed something about our fellowship then that was important to me; everybody was important, food was shared equally, "very very important". We called our eating days love feast, and no, we didn't contribute money, we brought whatever we were led to bring to the meeting, people brought food, (cooked), fruits, moi moi etc and everything was shared, there was the "service ministry", and you would think they were being graded by God the way they served, NO FAVOURITISM!

Everyone had peace during these feasts cos you were sure you'd never be cheated.... Then came the Lord's wedding/mass weddings, brothers and sisters who wanted to marry but were not significantly financially buoyant, were asked to register, wedding gowns et all were hired for them depending on where they needed help, the entire fellowship would attend their weddings and batch members would cook for them, so all they needed to do was invite their family and friends to the church wedding and reception, sometimes, about 5 to 10 couples would wed at a time, they helped these ones financially and spiritually (discouraging #4*nication)...

A brother and sister were coming back from some place and got stuck, it was late and they couldn't continue their journey... They had to sleep in a room and they were quite a distance from home... Bro saw an opportunity to sleep with sister and he began to act funny...

Sister saw he was determined and said, "brother, close the windows and doors, I don't want anyone to see us", brother bolted off to lock windows and doors... When he was done, sister asked, "are you sure you've closed every where, "yes", the brother replied, sister (looking around) said; "now, where are we going to close to stop God from seeing us"? Brother broke down in repentance and cried... So nothing happened till they left, except of course contrite prayers...

I witnessed and heard of many miracles, had some of my own; was seeing exam questions through ministrations... Then, members increased and the congregation got mixed up...

There came the titles, "mummy" and "daddy", those were strange then, everyone was referred to as "brother" or "sister" whether 6 or 60years... Then some members began competition for who'll be mummy and daddy's favourite, favouritism came in, then this sweet looking brother joined and his mission was to get a sister pre€g*nant while disappointing a few others.

Some people started faki!ng tongues and prophesies of course that didn't come to pass, by then, I had entered a boarding school and later, a higher institution but it wasn't hard to tell that satan was creeping in, didn't know what happened after, and oh yes, there was this segregation, the "I am better than you cos I speak in tongues" syndrome which they showed to people who didn't belong to them...

Some members still held on to the faith, we all know that swimming against the tide ain't easy, they held on fast to what they knew was the faith and tried to pass it on, they are getting old, I hope a good number of the younger generation will catch the fire and keep it burning, We all are living under grace, but with holiness, we can live in dominion.


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