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If a Relationship Is Holding You Back Ditch That relationship and Pursue Your Dreams

Boy meets girl, they have something going for them. Some mutual attr@action. They profess l0ve to each other and decide to stand by each other and help each other grow. They start rolling. Boy is more concerned with girl's character, how she is too playful, how he is a man and deserves her respect and submission, how she is too free with other guys, how she has too many friends, how she must learn to love cooking because they might end up together and he's a man.

He is not even mildly interested in her ambitions or career growth. He's one of those guys that sees saying "I want to go along with a smart woman with potential" as a cool, "woke" thing but doesn't really understand what it means, talk more of living it out practically. But girl doesn't notice this at first. Girl is more concerned about boy's goals and dreams.

You see, girl is an ambitious woman. She has dreams and goals, there is somewhere girl wants to be in life. She pushes boy to find a dream because although he says how making money is on his mind all the time, he has no concrete plans, no strategy. Girl helps boy pick a strategy but boy now decides to give the responsibility of running his strategy to girl while he does nothing.

Girl cannot really deliver because she has things of her own to do. Boy gets angry and tells girl that if she wants their relationship to work, girl has to tone down her ambition and focus on him a lot because he is girl's boyfriend. He says girl has to make him and whatever concerns him, his own strategies and ideas, her number one priority because a woman is meant to pick up a man and build him up.

He however has never checked up on girl's dreams, yet he calls her self centered. Now girl is wondering if she should let go or not. You see, the above story is not a rarity. It's happened to many of us, it could still be happening to some of us. You go through your life and then you feel you are finally in love, then the person starts feeling too entitled to so much of your time.

The person starts demanding that you place him or her above your dreams and aspirations. There are some of us who live for our dreams. Of late, many nights when I am down and out and the familiar whispers of death begin, I just remember things I am yet to achieve; I just remember that I am yet to imprint my name in many places; I remember I have goals, plans, aspirations, hopes. This knowledge keeps me going.

Now, there is no way in this life I'd give up what has kept me living for a mere, fickle mortal, one who can leave at anytime, one who is not entirely dependable because well death claims people even after they fi!ght to stay.
A human should not determine what you want, what you aspire for, who you become, the friends you keep, the career choices and decisions you make. If a relationship is holding you back, putting you on a leash, your person is being too insecure and clingy, limiting you, Sweetheart, it might be time to ditch that relationship and pursue your dreams.

There is always time to roll in l0ve. But you see some of your dreams and some of the opportunities that come your way? They are time bound and they can make or mar a huge part of your life. Ditching the relationship will hu*rt but trust me, you'd be doing yourself a whole lot of good. Chase dreams, not people. Ask yourself why you have dreams and hopes and aspirations and goals. Why do you have those dreams in the first place?

Why are you aiming for much more? Why are you aspiring to be bigger and better? Would your dreams give you outmost satisfaction? I dream so I can stay sane in an insane world, so I can stay organized. I dream so I can stay alive. An understanding of why you dream would help you set your priorities right and know who and what to let go of. #Classyview


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