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Choosing Of Npower Device Is Where Many Volunteers Will Get Problem

Choosing of the device is another area many volunteers will get problem. Many volunteers that choose above the device grant might start getting problem with their stipend. Why not better choose the device that is within device grant to avoid stories later on?

Have you given it a thought about receiving the full stipend even after selecting a device above tool grant? If you choose device that is above the tool grant. your stipend will reduce hope you know that, besides you can't eat government like that, mind you. Rather, they eat you.

Although, my friend was telling me she don't think there will be any issue with stipend resulting from selecting a device above tool grant. Being a volunteer is a privilege. Getting the device is a bonus attached to it. Then why creating situations that will make you not to enjoy the full package?

Don't say I don't warn you hereafter. Options are given. It now depends on choices of individuals. Remember, choices were given in selection of Local Government which later made some applicants missed this opportunity. But fear is the greatest undoing of human beings. If u make selection of a device without extra charge out of fear of something happening to ur stipend, then don't complain when the device you choose don't give you what you want.

They said all phones in the market comes with guarantee/warranty but what happens to china phones? But I know those phones we gonna be china phone as Federal Government in collaboration with BOI works directly with those companies which they make sure the their N-Power application is properly installed in each of the devices.
Let's keep our fingers crossed and see how it goes.


This is to inform all unpaid beneficiaries that they are to report to their LGA secretariat (where they did their verification) to fill in their details which will be sent to Abuja in order to rectify the issue they are having regarding their unpaid stipends. Date: Monday 27th March 2017. Venue: Your various LGA secretariat. Time Schedule : 9am - 12pm.

It is advisable that you come in person so that you can personally fill in your correct details.


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