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Why can't a two merit Muslims rule Nigeria and why can't a two merit Christians rule Nigeria?
Must it alway be a Muslim or Christian or vice versa?
Do you think the United in Front of America is a statue It's called the United States of America that is there is emphasizes on Unity that we lack in the part of the world?

The issue with our country is we don't have the Nigerian goal, we only have regional/ ethnicity goals. That's why we find it hard moving forward today, recently some of us feel a shame to say I'm from Nigeria, even some will feel like explaining that I'm from Yoruba side or Nigeria or I'm an Igbo man. An American anywhere any day is an American you can hardly differentiate anywhere that is the fact.

As of now, can you hear of a situation where you are searching for a federal job in America and they will ask you your state of origin? Honestly, we lack unity in this our country where there is no single love, there cannot be peace... Corruption is not limited to Nigeria at all even at our various homes we practice that corruption.

I must say, there was a time in America the Bush family have two governors in different states, and I don't truly think that can happen in Nigeria 100 years coming from now.
Our leaders are all about what they would gain, most of them are above the law of you figure it out, outside love another issue is the religion just look at countries like China, America, Russia is great because there are no sharp religion differences like ours.

Must say our leaders really caused it that's why we find ourselves here, religion is a big factor today, right from inception, most of the crises we have had in Nigeria is always related to religion if you check very well. A lot of sharp differences that can't be resolved
that would be difficult due to the mindset of the masses, I don't think it's even possible. Mindset Who will help work on our mindsets can you tell me? No.

Many feel more comfortable amidst their people.... Even NYSC... I remember the day I got my posting letter and saw Nasarawa..... If I tell anyone I was posted to the North, the 1st word that comes from their mouth is always sorry can you imagine?

And if anyone is posted to the South in the West or South people Congratulate such person, It makes me understand the high level of division in our country.
The problem is not our oneness but corruption. So even if we separate but corruption remains it will make no difference.

If Nigeria separates which region do you think we do best? Give us your feedback through comment box.


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