Based on the above context...GIFT is whatever we give to someone to felicitate with her or him for a joyful action which befalls on her/him or even to encourage someone to keep on observing the ethics of her/is a profession. But my friend says the gift is something that is given to another person, can you imagine that? And bribe is money that is given in order to get something to do something... Lolz.
That is while I said some Nigerians doesn't know the reason of bribe and gift.
Let me break the meaning of BRIBE: bribe is whatever you give to someone who has favored you in one way or the other to gain something of personal use in order to gain more regards from such individual in future occurrences regardless the ethics of his/her profession.
That is all bribes are gifts but not all gifts are bribes... Bribe goes with an expectation of a mutually understood kind gesture in return, but some gifts are purely altruistic, expecting nothing in return.
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