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The Christianity and Church

I will start with the definition of Christian. Who is a Christian? A Christian is a person who believes in the living God and also follows the teachings of our lord Jesus Christ. That you are a Christian is not only when you say you believe in our lord Jesus Christ. Apart from believing in the one true God, you should follow the footsteps of Christ as a believer. People say they are born again Christians, where as they don't do what it really takes to be a born. Does the life you are living truly show that you are a Christian? As a Christian do you love one another? Because Jesus Christ himself love a lot of people thinks that Christian is all about going to church and reading Bible.
Some even go about preaching. Which is one of the major characteristics of a good Christian? 

But then again, the majority of them do not practice what they preach, which is very very annoying. Even our lord Jesus Christ stated it categorically clear, that if you truly like and believe in him, that you must follow his footsteps. Jesus also promised those that can be able to follow his ways, those that are determined to carry the cross with him heaven, at last, will never surfer. Yes! because the road to heaven is very narrow. I wonder how many of Christians can withstand the type agony, pain and temptations job went through, with out getting his or her faith twisted.
To be a Christian is an easy task. You must accept Christ as your lord and personal savior. And you must determine within yourself to serve Christ in truth and fairness.  

Coming to church, first and foremost, what is a church? The church is the sanctuary/Tabernacle/temple of the highest God. The place where Christians come together to worship and acknowledge the presence of God. But am afraid, a lot of things are now going wrong in the church. Some people go to church just for the fun of it. The majority of people now do business in the Church. A lot of people do a whole lot of bad things under d canopy/umbrella of the church.  Especially in the part of the world where I am from (Nigeria). The church is now seen as a very lucrative business. Some general overseers of some churches go extra miles to purchase powers to perform miracles, signs, and wonders that will attract members to their Church. In church now, the rich ones are mostly acknowledged some most especially those ones that usually donates a huge of money to the Church during annual harvest or bazaar.

A lot of us go to church, we call ourselves Christians, but it doesn't in any reflect in our lives. That's why a huge number of hypocrites is found in the church. We claim we go to Church, but within our hearts, there is so much anger, animosity, greed, jealousy, and envy. Most people don't love one another and some so called believers cannot forgive those that offended. But every day we pray and ask God for forgiveness. The church now cannot come together as a body to help each other. It really hurts, I even question the essence of us going to church and calling ourselves Christians, as someone who goes to church, how do you relate to your fellow human being? How many times have you reached out to the poor and the helpless as a Christian?  For example, some people have money than enough food stuffs in the House, instead of giving out some of them to those that doesn't have any, they prefer to throw it away yet they are Christians they go to church every day.

You can imagine when somebody tries to rush the unknown person to the hospital, all the name of charity, and the doctor demands deposit when you don't have the money and plead with the doctor to please commence treatment while you go run around for money. The doctor will not even listen to you, he/she will rather stay and watch the person die. Because you couldn't pay the deposit money. Yet they say they are Christians and go to Church every Sunday. You plan/manipulate bad things against your fellow, for no just course the person will go extra way to waste that person's life, yet they come out and call themselves a Christian not knowing they are not and always calm Christian.

You bear false witness against your fellow being because you have been bribed yet you go to church every Sunday and also call yourself a Christian. All the same, though am not saying this for nothing but for those people who used the church to take offense from it, for us to change from our various ways are not doing the proper things. Always remember that whatever you do in this life will surely and definitely come back to you. God sees everything, and he promised to pay everyone according to their wages. Just believe it or you leave it. Chinenye Stella


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