Women Are Being Humiliated and Driven Out of Their Matrimonial Homes for Having All Female Children.
There's this elderly man that worked temporarily as a driver for my mum. I met him when I went home in 2013. We got into a conversation one day, one talk led to the other, and he told me that he has TWELVE children. I mean 12. He said it with all pride and joy, and was willing to go further, so I decided to push further. "Papa papa, 12, you strong o. How you take hit target 12 times? How many twins, triplets and quadruplets they?" I asked. And he responded "No twins o, I born them one by one. Na so so woman my wife they born for me. After she born 7 girls, she talk sey she don tire. I tell her sey I go marry another wife if she don tire o......" This man had his first eight children as females, he thre**atened the wife into having another, because he was in search of of a male child. Their ninth child came out a boy. He then decided he wanted two boys. The 10th and 11th came as females, then the 12th male. That was when he stopped. This is a stark illit...